Have you ever wondered what’s behind the expertise of our skilled Logicearth learning consultants and strategist? Not anymore! In this month's Q&A series, you’ll get to meet one of us and learn more about what makes us..
In my last blog I wrote about the medium of instructional videos in learning. There’s another mode that’s caught my ear recently – podcasts.
I have very little memory of a life before easy-access, simple-to-use internet (I was born in the 90s). What memory I do have is fuzzy and certainly rose-tinted; I do not think the dial-up tone could sound like a lullaby to..
There can be many unknowns when embarking on a major new training project and clients will often ask questions like 'What can I get for my budget? How do I know that the final product is going to meet my needs, work on our..
It’s exciting to watch eLearning evolve over time. New tools and trends are blossoming, while others fade into buzzword-infamy. But one design principle remains stalwart and necessary. It reminds me of my favourite Wuthering..
Our Learning Experience Designers (LxDs), Anna Dillon and David Cameron, discuss how learning 'just in time' in the flow of work, and life, puts the human element back into elearning.
Is data-driven learning driving you to distraction? Don't despair, our Learning Experience Designers, Anna Dillon and Kate Middleton, have distilled the dialogue for you – to deftly differentiate between the drivel and the..
How do you measure the success of your training programmes? Is it by the pages a person has read, the pass mark on their assessments, or an observation of the things they do directly after taking a course?
This month, two of our learning experience designers (LxDs), Niamh and Anna, chat about our new suite of compliance resources, Comply… Suffice to say, your experience of compliance will never be the same again!
Before you..
When you’re faced with the question, “what is it you do?” do you grab a swift intake of breath, and ready the room for your elevator pitch? Kate Middleton talks about how her new title of ‘Learning Experience Designer’ over..
Our Learning Experience Designers (aka the artists formerly known as ‘Instructional Designers’) have been instant messaging again. This time it’s Niamh and David talking about spaced repetition (aka spaced learning or spaced..
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