Have you ever wondered what’s behind the expertise of our skilled Logicearth learning consultants and strategist? Not anymore! In this month's Q&A series, you’ll get to meet one of us and learn more about what makes us..
Have you ever wondered what’s behind the expertise of our skilled Logicearth learning consultants and strategist? Not anymore! In this month's Q&A series, you’ll get to meet one of us and learn more about what makes us..
Have you ever wondered what’s behind the expertise of our skilled Logicearth learning consultants and strategist? Not anymore! In this month's Q&A series, you’ll get to meet one of us and learn more about what makes us..
Have you ever wondered what’s behind the expertise of our skilled Logicearth learning consultants and strategist? Not anymore! In this month's Q&A series, you’ll get to meet one of us and learn more about what makes us..
Have you ever wondered what’s behind the expertise of our skilled Logicearth learning consultants and strategist? Not anymore! In this month's Q&A series, you’ll get to meet one of us and learn more about what makes us..
Have you ever wondered what’s behind the expertise of our skilled Logicearth learning and digital designers? Not anymore! We’re kicking off a series in which every month you’ll get to meet one of us and learn more about..
Jesse Eisenburg, wearing the hoody of Mark Zuckerburg, once said:
“You have part of my attention. You have the minimum amount.”
How true this is when we are completing a task that we’re not really invested in, one that..
It may seem strange for a learning designer to write an article entitled ‘The Curse of Knowledge’. After all, making knowledge accessible and helping learners to make sense of challenging topics is part of what we do. But..
At Logicearth, we think of ourselves as a learning consultancy. But what exactly is consultancy and how does this work in relation to L&D?
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