Many organisations use eLearning for compliance training and often, for staff, it becomes a race-to-the-finish, tick box exercise to just complete the course. How can you as an L&D start to change this behaviour? We don't believe in tick-box training - you'll see this from our Content development outsourcing services and in our approach to Compliance training.
eLearning should not be a tick box for compliance
We’ve just rolled out a series of new digital learning programmes for three global organisations. The content was complicated and business crticial: not your usual shallow eLearning fare.
The new content was designed to support a lasting change in organisational culture brought about by changes in external regulations and/or market conditions. So, yes, technically it was ‘compliance’ training, but it needed to be much more engaging than traditional click-next-to-comply eLearning.
So how did we approach this to beat
the boredom factor?
First of all, we have changed the user experience. At Logicearth we specialise in multi-device content, so instead of using a fixed-width eLearning window, we use a scrolling format - recreating the same experience you have on the web. This new scrolling format means that users can no longer quickly click-next in a race-to-the finish fashion. They actually have to read and engage with the content to get to the end!
Secondly, we use a greater variety of content types and learning experiences - increasing the expectation on the learner to actually learn, rather than just click! Video that uses a combination of styles – such as interviews, vox pops, and full-blown drama-based sequences – is commonplace for us. Our interactivity is also more frequently an engagement of the mind, not the finger!
It is time to raise standards in eLearning
I’ve written before about raising the bar in eLearning and how eLearning needs new words. When it comes to delivering digital learning experiences that support L&D, the bottom line is: a massive culture shift is needed.
This new type of digital learning experience means many more options to support and engage staff. We can set up the user experience in various ways too – for instance, using personalisation to show content to a particular group of learners only. We can also make use of gamification techniques by adding challenges to unlock different sections of content.
Trust, learning and adults in the workplace
Some research suggests that L&D professionals are somewhat reluctant to trust staff to manage their own learning. Yet, at Logicearth, we feel that this is a truly exciting time to be an L&D professional: the options for learning, the devices, the tools, the techniques, and our expanding knowledge of learning science make the time ripe for disrupting old ways of learning in the workplace.
So what is holding L&D back?
Like any culture change, old behaviour becomes ingrained and habitual. Most organisations are used to training departments working in a certain way, so it is up to L&D professional to slowly, steadily push back. The tide is turning, and you have the tools and techniques to make the change!
Three goals for L&D departments who want to raise the bar
When you are making changes, a good way to start is by setting just three goals. If you set more than three, the simpler goals get done first and the rest fall away. Start small and stay strong – all behaviour change takes time!
- Start questioning training requests more thoroughly. Ask: Is this really needed? Does it have to be a training course? Could other forms of support, e.g. peer coaching, work better – do not give in to requests for just-in-case training.
- Pick a small project and use it to focus on improving your standard of digital learning, e.g.
- A new approach to an old compliance topic, such as office health and safety, or recording some examples of good organisation-wide practice and sharing these with staff
- Help staff with digital content curation skills to fill their own knowledge gaps
- To help with (1), hone your questioning skills. The 5-whys is a good technique to try out.
Make new behaviour a habit - raise the bar in L&D
From our compliance solutions, content development services and our range of intelligent learning platforms which offer modern content and gamification options, we specialise in raising the bar and keeping it there! We'd love to hear from you.
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