Logicearth blog

Learning in the flow of work

Written by Susan Dumas | 06-Feb-2019 11:32:19

'Learning in the flow of work involves accessing, quickly and easily, an answer or a short piece of learning content while you're working. The phrase was coined by Josh Bersin.

Research shows that learning in the flow drives productivity, increases engagement with formal learning and improves knowledge retention.

Time to learn: A top challenge for L&D

In Josh Bersin's article introducing the concept of 'learning in the flow of work', he referenced a survey of 4,000+ L&D and business professionals. When people were asked how their workplace learning could be improved, the most common issue was that people 'do not have enough time to learn'.

'Getting employees to make more time for learning' was the #1 challenge they cited. Among the learners who responded, 58% wanted to learn at their own pace and 49% wanted to learn in the flow of work.

Providing learners with the right learning content at the right time can help address these challenges.

Modern learning technologies, learning platforms and quality digital learning content – are making it easier to meet these evolving needs and facilitate learning in the flow of work.

How does Learning in the Flow happen?

For learning to happen in the flow of work – learning content needs to be:

  • Accessible
  • On demand
  • Curated carefully


Learning in the flow of work, or 'in the moment of need' learning, works best when the information being sought is easily accessible and with context. The learners are empowered with the ability to find the answers that they need.

On demand

Learning and training content must be available at all times, on any device. Quality digital learning programmes include mobile responsive content, access to mentors, practice labs, code examples and templates to use in real life situations. In this way, they bridge the gap between learning and doing.

Curated carefully

Digital learning content must be carefully sourced and its quality verified. Simply using internet searches when learning on the job can sometimes lead to the gross simplification of functions that are just not that straightforward. This, in turn, causes employees to make judgements on matters that require much greater, more in-depth consideration.


Video-based sites like YouTube appeal to L&D, employees and business leaders because they’re free, easily accessed, and a simple way of learning how to do things. But if you're a business leader whose hopes for on-the-job learning hang on YouTube and Google – beware! These platforms do not equate to effective learning tools. Videos specifically for training, however, like our off the shelf courses or Video Arts content, are created with employees’ needs in mind.


How does Logicearth support learning in the flow of work?

Logicearth takes a practical stance on performance support, talent development and learner support. We understand that, for employees to thrive, they must be supported, developed and guided.

The building of high performing teams does not happen without structure and support. Developing a culture of learning in the flow of work within an organisation also requires structure and process.  


We advise organisations on how to choose and implement the right learning solutions and platforms that will provide access to the right learning content as and when needed.

Content Development services

Our Content Development services focus on the learner experience and on developing engaging and relevant digital learning resources that add value to a learner’s day. By developing succinctly, appropriately titled and well constructed assets, we create resources that are memorable and easily retrievable, if a learner wants to revisit particular content at a later moment of need. Our content is developed with the highest standards of design and best practices for learning.

Learn more about our Content Development services here.  


Percipio is an off the shelf digital learning content library. It provides engaging learning content for users to discover, in hundreds of channels aligned to competencies and skills valued by leading organisations. The content is also mapped to evolve along with the learners.


Skillsoft Percipio  provides constant, accessible, engaging support in areas such as:


  • IT technical skills
  • Business skills
  • Leadership skills and
  • Productivity and collaboration


The Percipio Embedded Learning Synchronized Assistant (ELSA) provides access to the platform via a browser plug-in. This makes the experience available for all users throughout their working day and directly in their natural workflow. To learn more about ELSA’s benefits when you’re delivering learning, see our video here.

An administrator can create learning paths and assign content from within the system or share internally produced content through the platform.

As a Skillsoft partner, Logicearth provides the consultancy skills to ensure the successful implementation of any digital content programme. This includes designing a curriculum, delivering training needs analysis and helping to ensure that business adoption of your new learning platform is successful.

Verify –  a spaced-practice, agile, microlearning solution

Verify offers an exciting alternative learning model to SCORM training modules. This model moves away from the concept of doing one-off training courses.

The platform provides an opportunity to really embed important knowledge into the minds of learners. Short, personalised Q&A style learning interventions are delivered on a scheduled basis, based around the specific learning outcomes that will drive each learner’s performance.

These interventions, or mastery moments, take just 2 minutes to complete. This allows learners to learn in the flow of their day, rather than stop what they are doing to attend a training session or complete a full course.


Want to find out more about how 'learning in the flow of work' can have a huge impact on your organisation? Get in touch now for an informal chat about your needs.


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