Online learning can – to quote the founding principles of the BBC – inform, educate and entertain, but it doesn’t often attain such heights as helping create the conditions for young people to feel welcome, celebrated,..
David Cameron
Something’s missing, but you don't know what it is. That something is the precise skill set your business needs to meet your current and future ambitions. How are you going to find out about missing skills, and then find..
We speak of a ‘born leader’ - but leadership qualities can be learned and cultivated. Also, different qualities suit different times and situations. What would it take for YOU to be a leader in your business NOW?
The word ‘objective’, as used to describe an aim or goal, is a 19th century military term, but the field of learning is not a battlefield, so we should tread carefully (i.e. not jackbooted) in this terrain. We want our..
Improve learner engagement by using realistic eLearning scenarios that highlight key decision points in challenging situations.
The process of learning is more complex than most people consider. We're really fascinated by the topic of unlearning. We first wrote about it here - unlearning is the new learning. In our experience, once the baggage of..
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